14. ROS Nodes
14 Ros Nodes
Scope Resolution Operator
In C++, the scope resolution operator "::" is commonly used to recognize hidden namespaces. In this program, the scope resolution operator is qualifying the "ros" namespace so we can still use it to define a function outside a class or access a class static variables.
Catkin Workspace
Before you clone the simple_arm_c
ROS package and launch the nodes, make sure you already have a catkin workspace to work in. If not, create and initialize a catkin workspace by following along the instruction from term 1 of the Robotics nanodegree program!
It's recommended to go over the simple_arm
package from term 1 and compare the simple_mover
python script to the C++ one. While comparing both ROS publisher scripts, you will be able to identify the difference in syntax between both programming languages.
Launch ROS Nodes
1- Open a Linux terminal and navigate to the src folder in your catkin workspace:
$ cd ~/catkin_ws/src
2- While in catkin workspace, clone the package from GitHub:
$ git clone https://github.com/udacity/simple_arm_c.git
3- Now, source your environment:
$ cd ~/catkin_ws
$ source devel/setup.bash
4- After sourcing your environment, build the packages:
$ catkin_make
5- Make sure to install the missing system dependencies as in Term 1:
$ rosdep install -i simple_arm_c
6-Now, launch the nodes :
$ roslaunch simple_arm_c robot_spawn.launch
You should be able to see each revolute joint rotating between -pi/2 to pi/2 over time.
Additional Resources
- NodeHandles:
Review this official ROS document which explains the purpose of NodeHandles inside a C++ program. - Publisher & Subscriber:
This is the official ROS tutorial which covers how to write a publisher and subscriber node in C++. - Service & Client:
This is the official ROS tutorial which covers how to write a service and client node in C++.